James Herald



a beautiful, impressive and entertaining love story with a special and wonderful twist! Life may be a bumpy road sometimes, but all is well that ends well...

On this page, YouTube audio presentations are available to tell you more about it: "First Chapter", "Introduction" and "Summary".

Additional audio presentations are available under TAB "INFO".

For the poem "Wad Walker", see under TAB "NEWS". Take a listen, and enjoy! 

To get acquainted, you're kindly invited to pay a visit to this FaceBook page:


James Herald is a Dutch writer of prose, poetry (see under tab "News") and song lyrics, both in Dutch and English. "Jubileeing" is his first English novel. From a reputable British publishing desk, this book received a professional review (see below).

More comments are available under tabs "Guestbook" and "Reviews". 

"Randolph, the city pigeon", a modern fairytale, is published in Issue 27 of the online magazine "Impspired" (www.impspired.com).

Dutch translation of the first chapter:



The narrative

Thomas, a 50-year old bachelor, accidently, comes across a speaking toy bear in an abandoned old fashioned toy store. After a comprehensive introduction, he decides to take the bear home, calling him "Cotton".  Hereafter, in a humorous, witty and ironical fashion, extensive conversations unfold between them about all kinds of subjects, ranging from every day affairs to deep philosophical issues. 

When Thomas falls in love with Hanna, a much younger woman, Cotton navigates him through the process, helping him out to deal with his emotions. Thomas manages to get into a loving relationship with her, and to marry her against all odds. The second part (chapter 17 and on) allows us a peek into the first months of their newlywed existence.

"Jubileeing" refers to the Old Testament Year of Jubilee in Israel, a 50 year's cycle, putting an end to debt, slavery and bondage. People may start all over again with their lives, in freedom and independency. 

For Thomas it entails, that his fiftieth birthday gives the go-ahead for a new beginning with the woman he loves. It is a rebirthing experience in the name of faith, hope and love. 

And the greatest of all is LOVE!

Review of "Jubileeing"


"Your manuscript was brought to our attention at the latest Editorial Board meeting when we discussed the potential of its publication. Having read all the reports and taken note of the Editors’ opinions we can confidently state that your work was found to be a most thrilling, absorbing, and thought-provoking read, very well-written throughout. 

The Board was keen to comment on the fascinating concept for the plot framed by a compelling cast of characters, especially Hanna and Thomas and their developments through the story. We also believe that this work is very well structured throughout, allowing the story to build and leaving the reader hungry to continue reading. 

As an immersive piece that encompasses a variety of themes, this work will appeal to a wide audience, especially to those who enjoy stories with detailed character development, action-fueled plots with twists and turns, stories that confront the human experience and to those with interests in elements of the romance genre and in matters of family, friendship, and human interaction more widely. 

Ultimately, the Board was impressed with the ambitious scope of this work and believes that 'Jubileeing' has the potential to succeed within its market."




The novel comes as a paperback with 44 chapters and 371 pages. 

Price: 19,90 € (exclusive postage). It's a private edition and available on www.bravenewbooks.nl.      To find out, just click on this button:



The novel "Jubileeing" is a love story with multiple dimensions. The first chapter lays out the structure for the whole story. It sets the tone for what is about to happen hereafter. He is depicted as an unattractive, middle-aged man. His life is jammed, shut tight. He is single, out of a job, and a bit of a social outcast...


 YouTube channel @jamesherald9083

The first chapter is an introduction to the main character "Thomas". By encountering a speaking toy bear, he get kind of a rebirthing experience. It's the beginning of both an emotional and spiritual journey.



The subtitle of the novel "Jubileeing" informs us about its content: the story of Thomas and Hanna. It is all about how their relation started, blossomed, and resulted in a wedding. But it is also a bit deceptive, because there's a lot more going on...