James Herald





Dear James
Right from the start, from the very first acquaintance, this story really captured me. Nicely put, and yet in a kind of down-to-earth style. The description of the meeting between Thomas and Cotton came across as fascinating. Insofar as I wondered, wow! Where is it all heading?
And yet again, one keeps on reading, curious what’s coming next.
What struck me at first was the confusion and precarity of the atmosphere. In particular, the sad, desperate mood Thomas found himself in. He was floundering a little, which was quite understandable!
And then, out of the blue, a bear came into his life!
Furthermore, what appealed to me was the non-judgmental, non-critical style, a not-quick-to-conclude approach between the two of them, gradually becoming respectful and instructive.
‘Our’ Bear is so kind, so open-minded, completely himself.
Indeed, there are more layers to this story, which is quite exciting!
At times, I found the subject matter a bit pedantic and even moralizing every now and then, but the explanation and the approach by the bear are so ‘wise’, profound, affectionate, and sometimes even magnificent!
I had trouble placing the role of Harry, but gradually, it became clear to me that he might be symbolic for many of us who got ourselves into a similar situation, unfortunately! People would easily recognize themselves by experiencing how the relationship between Harry and Hennie unfolds.
And about Cotton: this name is a real find! Just the fabric he is made of, that’s all! A very strong metaphor, and as such, so meaningful.
I kept on reading because of the humour, the sense of relativity, and the way the rather substantial items were presented.
Cleverly described (in my view) is the constant revolving policy of Cotton in holding Thomas responsible. Although Cotton is flexible, gently moving along with Thomas’s mood swings, he remains always himself without getting saintly on him. Pretty adequate and consistent! It makes this story very believable to me. As though Cotton wants to make it clear to Thomas: You may admire me, but please don’t, because you are alright just the way you are. However, it is up to you to decide whether you want to make something out of it or not. Becoming aware is a choice! (Rightfully so, I would say.)
Cotton is warm, safe, wise, and, above all, ‘up to date’. He takes time for Thomas, who only later understands why. But it gets through to him that after so many lonesome years, he’s dealing with somebody who really appreciates him.
Although some conversations came across as a little pedantic, each dispute tends to have an open end.
And Thomas has to settle for that, end of story! He asks himself questions, which everyone would do after such an experience.
Some ‘one-liners’ I really enjoyed. Like, ‘Real friendship is made of sturdier stuff’. ‘No cause for gossip’. Haha…funny! How about: ‘Love can only be perfect between imperfect people’. Wow! High-class, in my view!
I wish you lots of success in your writing career!